2024 AASVET President's Greeting Remark by Dr. Seung-IL Na

It is with great pleasure and honor that I welcome you to the 20th Annual Conference of the Asian Academic Society for Vocational Education and Training. This milestone event celebrates two decades of our shared journey in enhancing and innovating vocational and technical education across Asia and beyond.

This year's theme, Innovation, Integration, and Possibility in Vocational and Technical Education: Constructing Bridges between the Past, Present, and Future, captures the essence of our evolving educational landscape and the critical role we play in shaping it.

Innovation is the heartbeat of progress in vocational and technical education. It drives us to adopt new practices, navigate uncharted territories, and explore paradigm shifts that meet the demands of a rapidly changing world. This conference is a platform to showcase groundbreaking research, share transformative practices, and inspire one another to push the boundaries of what is possible.

Integration emphasizes the importance of connectivity and coherence in our efforts to promote vocational and technical education. By fostering collaborations across disciplines, industries, and borders, we strengthen our ability to provide holistic and comprehensive education to our students. Integration also calls for the thoughtful blending of traditional knowledge with contemporary practices, ensuring that our educational systems are inclusive, adaptive, and relevant.

Possibility reflects our commitment to envisioning and creating a future where vocational and technical education is not just a pathway to employment, but a gateway to lifelong learning and personal fulfillment. We stand on the cusp of new opportunities, and it is our duty to explore and harness these possibilities to empower our learners, equipping them with the skills and knowledge to thrive in an ever-evolving world.

As we gather here, let us reflect on our past achievements, celebrate our current endeavors, and look forward to a future filled with promise. Let us build bridges that connect our rich heritage with the innovative spirit of today and the endless possibilities of tomorrow.

I extend my heartfelt thanks to the organizing committee for their tireless efforts in making this conference a reality. I also express my gratitude to all participants for your enthusiastic involvement and contributions. Your presence and active engagement make this conference vibrant and impactful.

I am confident that this conference will be a fruitful and enriching experience for all of us. Together, we will continue to pave the way for excellence in vocational and technical education, ensuring it remains a robust and dynamic pillar of our society.

Thank you for your dedication, passion, and commitment. I wish you all a successful and inspiring conference.

Warm regards,

Dr. Seung-IL Na
Asian Academic Society for Vocational Education and Training

Scope of Topics
New Models in Vocational and Technical Teacher Education Innovations in Curriculum and Teaching in Vocational Education The Integration between Industry and Vocational Education The Integration between Vocational Education and General Education International Collaborations in TVET Digital Economy, Digital Skills and Digitalized TVET TVET for Sustainable Development: Job Skills and Life Skills Other subjects related to TVET
AASVET 2024 - 20th Conference
at Shanghai Polytechnic University (Shanghai, China)
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