• About AASVET

Asian Academic Society for Vocational Education and Training (AASVET) is an academic organization founded in 2005 by several most distinguished scholars in the field of vocational educational and training from across Asian countries. The primary objective of AASVET is to facilitate the exchange of knowledge, research findings, and best practices in VET among Asian countries. By providing a platform for academics, educators, policymakers, and practitioners, AASVET fosters a reciprocal learning community.

Since 2005, AASVET continuously have had annual conferences in Asian countries such as Japan, China, Korea, Malaysia and Indonesia. Also, AASVET has its own refereed scholarly journal named Journal of Asian Vocational Education and Training (JAVET). It publishes original works that advance theory, practice and research in various areas of vocational education and training especially in Asian countries.


Moreover, AASVET also engages in various outreach programs and partnerships with educational institutions, government agencies, and industry stakeholders. These collaborative efforts aim to bridge the gap between academia and industry, ensuring that VET programs align with the evolving needs of the labor market and facilitate smoother transitions from education to employment.

Through its annual conferences, knowledge sharing initiatives, and collaborative projects, AASVET has become a hub for experts to collaborate on research projects, joint initiatives, and capacity-building programs. It continues playing a crucial role in shaping the future of career education and workforce development across the region.

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